- Lyndale website collects cookies, these are not used for any purposes other than for analytical information regarding pages accessed for analytical purposes and to help improvethe user experience on your website. No information is sold or shared with any other parties. Removal of site/server information can be made at any stage by requesting removal to lyndale40pal@aol.com or via our website hosting company at enquiries@netintelect.co.uk.
- Cookies are stored on Lyndale's website (on NI secure servers) and will automaticallyexpire after 30 days. Removal can be made at any stage by requesting remval to lyndale40pal@aol.com or our hosting provder enquiries@netintelect.co.uk.
- Server or website data removal can be made at any stageby requesting removal to enquiries@netintelect.co.uk. This does not apply to any email campaigns or marketing as the website does not have these features, to request removal of these please contact Lyndale Holiday Flats via lyndale40pal@aol.com.
- Server or website data removal can be made at any stage by requesting removal to enquiries@netintelect.co.uk. Website data sent Lyndale Holiday Flats via the website should be made to directly to Lyndale Holiday Flats via lyndale40pal@aol.com.
- Net Intelect Limited only use statistical information to help improve the customer experience, we do not sell or share any information with any companies. Lyndale Holiday Flats only use statistical information to help improve the customer experience, we do sell or share ay information with companies.
- Our servers are secured with SSL Security and we perform regular security updatesto ensure the data is safe. we also implement a backup system to ensure data can be retrieved should this be required. Lyndale Holiday Flats computer is secured with AVG Security and regular security updates are performed to ensure your data is safe.